
Nienke Venema
Managing Director
Nienke is responsible for overall strategy and policy and oversees the asset management. She also represents the organization as a shareholder at DPG Media and De Correspondent.

Sümeyye Ekmekçi
Head of program of the Democracy and Media Fund
Sümeyye is responsible for the Democracy and Media Fund programme. Together with the team, she is building a relevant and effective grant portfolio.

Maartje Eigeman
Program director Civil Movements Fund
Maartje heads the Civil Movements Fund. She is responsible for strategy development and management of the team.

Aybala Carlak
Program Manager Future Proof Journalism
Aybala is responsible for the focus area future proof journalism within the Democracy and Media Fund.

Tim Schoot Uiterkamp
Program Manager Organizational- and Field strengthening
Tim is responsible for the development of learning programs and activities for knowledge sharing and collaboration within the Democracy and Media Fund network.

Casper Siffels
Program Manager Democracy and the Rule of Law
Casper is responsible for the focus areas democracy and the rule of law within the Democracy and Media Fund.

Sahar Shirzad
Program coordinator Civil Movements Fund
Sahar coordinates the network of the Civil Movements Fund and supports with the strategy development.

Karlijn Bink
Operational Manager
Karlijn is responsible for finances, HR, ICT and compliance with laws and regulations. She also coordinates the annual February 5 commemoration and is responsible for applications aimed at historical awareness.

Lisa Peters
Manager Communications
Lisa is responsible for the organization's external communication policy and its implementation. As an advisor she is involved in the organization's strategy development.

Mirjam Grotjohann
Office Manager
Mirjam is the first point of contact. In addition to office management tasks, she supports the team.

Ash van Ree
Program Officer Civil Movements Fund
Ash is program officer at the Civil Movements Fund and supports the team in all ongoing activities.
Portraits by: Anne van Zantwijk